Crochet for Valentine’s day

It’s almost Valentine’s Day again! I thought I’d share a nice pattern with you this year. Hope you’ll like it!

You can either make a nice Valentine Flag Banner or just make the little hearts to embellish your Valentine gifts.

Valentine Flag Banner/ Little Hearts

You can get the free pattern below or support me by purchasing the ad-free printer-friendly PDF version of this pattern on Etsy or Ravelry.

Or pin it for later on pinterest

About the yarn

You can of course use any yarn with matching hook size! For the banner I used Double four by Durable which is similar to Drops Paris. For the little hearts I used Coral mini by Durable, which very similar to Catania or Catona

Measurements : my little heart is about 4,5 cm and the flag is about 18 cm

Abbreviations US terms:

beg    beginning

st       stitch/stitches

slst    slip stitch

ch      chain

sc      single crochet

hdc    half double crochet

dc      double crochet

edc    extended double crochet

tr       triple crochet

dtr     double triple crochet

ch-sp chain space

Extended Double Crochet: starts out like a normal dc, yarn over once and insert hook, draw up a loop (three loops on hook), yarn over and draw through one loop (three loops on hook). Yarn over, draw through two loops twice.


Make a magic ring or chain 3 and close with ss in first ch to form ring

Round 1: 2 ch (=1 dc), 11 dc in ring, close with slst in 2nd ch.

Round 2: 3ch, 3tr in next st, 2tr in next st, 2dc in next 2st, (1dc,1edc) in next st, (1tr,1dtr, 1tr) in next st, (1edc,1dc) in next st, 2 dc in next 2 st, 2tr in next st, 3tr in next st, 2ch, close with slst in same st as first beg ch, cut yarn and weave in end.

Now you made the little heart which you can use to embellish your Valentine gift!

To make the Flag Banner continue with:

Round 3: join yarn in first tr from round 2, 1ch (=1sc), 2sc in next 2 st, 1sc in next 9 st, 3sc in next st, 1sc in next 9 st, 2sc in next 2 st, 1sc in next st, 3ch, slst in slst from previous round, 3ch and close with slst in beg ch.

Round 4: [5ch, skip 2 st, 1sc in next st] 10x, 2ch and close with 1dc in same st as beg ch.

Round 5: 5ch, 1sc in 5ch-sp, 5ch, (1tr, 5ch, 1tr) in sc, [5ch, 1sc in 5ch-sp] 4x, 5ch (1tr, 5ch, 1tr) in sc, [5ch, 1sc in 5ch-sp] 4x, 5ch (1tr, 5ch, 1tr) in sc, 5ch, 1sc in 5ch-sp, 2ch and close with 1dc in dc from previous round.

Round 6: 3 dc in same st, 1sc in 5ch-sp, 3dc in sc, 1sc in 5ch-sp, 3dc in tr, 1sc in 5ch-sp, 5ch, 1sc in same 5ch-sp, 3dc in tr, 1sc in 5ch-sp, [3dc in sc, 1sc in 5ch-sp] 4x, 3dc in tr, 1sc in 5ch-sp, 5ch, 1sc in same 5ch-sp, 3dc in tr, 1sc in 5ch-sp, [3dc in sc, 1sc in 5ch-sp] 4x, 3dc in tr, 1sc in 5ch-sp, 5ch, 1sc in same 5ch-sp, 3dc in tr, 1sc in 5ch-sp, 3dc in sc, 1sc in dc from previous round, close with slst in beg dc.

Round 7: 1ch (=1sc) , 1sc in next 11 st, 3sc in 5ch-sp, 3ch, 3sc in same 5ch=sp, 1sc in next 25 st, 3sc in 5ch-sp, 3ch, 3sc in same 5ch=sp, 1sc in next 25 st, 3sc in 5ch-sp, 3ch, 3sc in same 5ch=sp, 1sc in next 9 st, close with slst in beg ch. Cut yarn and weave in end.

Joining the motifs:

Chain a desired length of chains, I chained about 45, then work a sc in the 3ch-sp of the motif on the right and then 1sc in next 27 st, 1sc in the 3ch-sp, chain 15 (or more or less, just as you desire) and join the next motif, join as many as you like, and end with the same amount of chains you started with.

This blog post contains affiliate links. I only link to products I personally use or would use.  All opinions are my own.

Please respect the copyright on this pattern. I work hard on them and it’s my income, so I kindly ask you to use this for your own use and not to share it. Share a link to my Etsy/Ravelry Shop or blog  instead.

                          Copyright©2020 Atty van Norel / Atty’s 

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